Responsible for content and pictures:
Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG
Hanno-Ring 3-5
30880 Laatzen
Telephone +49 5102 7000 0
Telefax +49 5102 7000 102
邮箱地址: info(at)hanno.com
The company is a limited partnership
Registered office: Laatzen
Local court: Hannover
Registration number: HRA 23265
VAT ID Nr. as per Article 27 a VAT Act:
DE 115514508
Personally liable shareholder:
Hanno Werk Verwaltungs GmbH, 30880 Laatzen
Registered office: Laatzen
Local court: Hannover
Registration number: HRB 9044
General Manager (CEO):
Volker Brock
Concept, Layout, Realisation:
Jenko Sternberg Design GmbH
Siedlerweg 18 | 38173 Apelnstedt
Telephone: +49 (0) 5333 94770
邮箱地址: info(at)jsdesign.de